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When's the next update?

(1 edit)

Quick feedback based on just a the first few minutes:
A settings menu to control volume would be great,

A better way to quit out of the game,

Something indicating if it's saved (though I might have just missed it)

A help menu just to explain the basics.

There's a few typos ("C' bluff") and stuff but I imagine that'll get tidied up later?

I know this is early and those are all little details but they'd be very nice. other than that this is very pretty and interesting.



Reading the comments i feel dumb. I have no idea how to play the game. I click on stations but nothing hapens, so i would love to have some sort of tutorial. Also i have no option to make a save.

Deleted post

I was just curoius if we could get a new Game Mode, where you are trying to talk to a girl but you have Karens chasing you around screaming how you are "mansplaning to them".  You also have to avoid cuck male femansists who want to yell at you about "objectifying women", and also answer why they can't get women even though they agree with everything femanists say?! 

Lol but on a real note it is an awesome game.  BS that Steam put it on a ban list... Lame

I absolutely love the art style and sounds and all these details. Looking forward to more content. 

BUG REPORT: It seems to be a bug that sometimes taking a walk to advance time fails to trigger the event. 

Some suggestions: 

- A gallery for sex scenes or ability to actively take screenshots with the phone is good to have. 

- A faster way to advance longer time is needed. 

- Some english typos need fixing, most basic one being "her" instead of "his". 


Hello, you released the Yama Lover EA game in steam, is it BAN? Can't buy it anymore?

If Yama Lover EA is not available on Steam, is there a CDKEY for sale

If there is a CDKEY for sale, please also leave a contact information

can't wait to the next update. 

very nice concept ;)

It has a lot of potential with this concept, I'm definitely going to check it when it has more content :D


Nice game 10/10

It's you who is nice.


If you visit the Nurse in gotanda the game bugs. You cant advance time, save or change location.

Yes, I was aware of it. I'm working on it, it should be fixed for tomorrow's patch.

Few thoughts/ideas:

  1. Currently there is no way to see - how much progress is achieved - so after getting few girls - there are long period when you meet no-one, which then creates a question - 'is there any left'? Maybe once per 2 day tip like "maybe I should be driving from Tōkyō to Mejiro at 4pm." :)
  2. More like a question - can the failed dates be repeated? (more clarity on this part would be needed - maybe failed dates would be resetted after 1 month
  3. And ability to skip longer time (like sleep)

But I can already see a lot of potential - and it's a very interesting new concept :)

Thanks for your feedback! Good ideas to improve the ergonomics of game, it's noted!

(6 edits) (+2)

This could be an interesting game to play. Right now,  though, there is a lot of trouble. This User Interface is very troublesome. There is no main menu (You're launched right into the game), or even an option to exit the game. The save/reload option works, sometimes, but certainly not after a few dialogue pages from the save point. I'm not trolling. I really like the premise of the game, but the dev needs to create some more tools with user interface to encourage play.
Also, a time skip ablity would be helpful. I'm gad that in-game minutes are about 20 seconds at stations, but if you show up too early to an event with a girl, you may as well go make coffee or walk the dog.

*Edit:* the dev immediately responded with a fix in release 0.52. There is now a title screen, an adaption to the save mechanic ("go to a konbini" at a station stop) which seems to work perfectly, even after several dialogue progressions, story developments, etc., and an option to "Take a walk" which advances the game 15 minutes at a station stop. Also going to your phone and holding on the power button let's you exit the game. *Thanks Koya Game!*


Thanks for your feedback!

The next patch will incorporate many of your requests.

Best regards.


Actually Quit button does disappear :)


Yes indeed!

By opening the message or images menu.

It's noted, thanks for the info!